ESG Reporting

  • - Fill data voids with publicly available proxy data 

    - Dynamic dashboards 

    - Client-specific reporting

    - Year on year progress tracking 

    - Industry specific reporting 



Your data, the way you need it

Meet client reporting requirements and create outputs to inform regulatory disclosures

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Fill data voids with publicly available proxy data

In situations where there is a lack of available ESG data, proxy data can be brought into the Dasseti ESG platform.

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Dynamic dashboards

Dasseti's dynamic analytics dashboards allow users to slice and dice aggregated ESG data in any way that suits, before exporting to use externally.

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Client-specific reporting

Automate generation of regular or commonly used reports. Customize branding per client. Share in clients' preferred format.

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Year on year progress tracking

Track progress and ESG risks over time. Import historical data and standardized the collection of future data sets to allow for time series tracking.


Commonly collected metrics include:

  • Environmental Metrics

  • Social Metrics

  • Governance Metrics

Environmental Metrics

To measure a firm's environmental progress, you can collect various metrics including:

  • Energy usage
  • Water usage
  • Waste generation
  • Carbon emissions
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Product development
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Renewable energy adoption

Social Metrics

Measuring a firm's social progress requires the collection of relevant metrics that can provide insights into the company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, as well as its impact on stakeholders and society as a whole:

  • Representation
  • Retention
  • Promotions
  • Leadership Pipeline
  • Employment Pipeline
  • Pay Equity
  • Employee Resource Group (ERG) Membership
  • Participation Rates in Mentoring and Sponsorship Programs
  • Participation Rates in Diversity and Inclusion Training Programs
  • Number of Lives Impacted
  • Economic Empowerment
  • Community Engagement

Governance Metrics

Evidence of good governance practices is an indication of a sound approach to risk management and high levels of accountability.

Key metrics include:

  • Structure and oversight 
  • Code and values
  • Transparency and reporting
  • Cyber risk and systems
  • Long-term perspective
Dasseti ESG

How does Dasseti ESG work?

Step 1 - Define

Define ESG Metrics

Step 1 - Define

Define the metrics you need to: 

  • Meet regulatory requirements
  • Map data to different frameworks
  • Benchmark performance against industry peers
  • Measure progress

Step 2 - Collect

Collect ESG Metrics

Step 2 - Collect

Dasseti is the private equity sector's leading ESG data collection platform for:

  • Secure, one to one data collection direct from portfolio companies and funds
  • Distribute data collection link to any number of entities in seconds
  • Secure, easy to use response portal allows users to copy from previous responses via Smart Response feature.

Step 3 - Enrich and Validate

Enrich and validate ESG data

Step 3 - Enrich and Validate

Enrich and validate your proprietary ESG data. 

  • EDCI validation
  • Compare progress over specific time periods
  • Benchmark against industry peers
  • Aggregate data sets for easier comparison
  • Standardize data to make querying easier

Step 4 - Report

ESG Reporting in private markets

Step 4 - Report

High quality customizable outputs for client reporting and to assist with regulatory disclosures:

  • Fill data voids with publicly available proxy data
  • Dynamic dashboards
  • Client-specific reporting
  • Year on year progress tracking
  • Industry specific reporting 
Define ESG Metrics

Step 1 - Define

Define the metrics you need to: 

  • Meet regulatory requirements
  • Map data to different frameworks
  • Benchmark performance against industry peers
  • Measure progress
Collect ESG Metrics

Step 2 - Collect

Dasseti is the private equity sector's leading ESG data collection platform for:

  • Secure, one to one data collection direct from portfolio companies and funds
  • Distribute data collection link to any number of entities in seconds
  • Secure, easy to use response portal allows users to copy from previous responses via Smart Response feature.
Enrich and validate ESG data

Step 3 - Enrich and Validate

Enrich and validate your proprietary ESG data. 

  • EDCI validation
  • Compare progress over specific time periods
  • Benchmark against industry peers
  • Aggregate data sets for easier comparison
  • Standardize data to make querying easier
ESG Reporting in private markets

Step 4 - Report

High quality customizable outputs for client reporting and to assist with regulatory disclosures:

  • Fill data voids with publicly available proxy data
  • Dynamic dashboards
  • Client-specific reporting
  • Year on year progress tracking
  • Industry specific reporting 

Use any metric in your custom reports

Quickly create reports for internal stakeholders, clients or even to support regulatory disclosures.

  • Customized report templates for one-click reporting
  • Auto update data points
  • User-friendly interface
  • Time series
  • Comparison views
  • Automate periodic report generation
Dasseti Reporting

Following recognized frameworks helps you benchmark against peers while meeting LP and regulator expectations for comprehensive, standardized ESG data

One tool for your ESG metrics