OCIOs and Investment Consultants meet performance and accountability challenges head on with Dasseti 

Dasseti provides due diligence consultants, investment consultants, and OCIOs with a centralized, AI-powered platform to ensure a more accurate, complete, and robust set of data points.

Powerful analytics provide actionable insights and a full audit trail ensures compliance and accountability.

Trusted by the World's Leading Consultants

One platform, many use cases

  • Operational Due Diligence

  • Investment Due Diligence

  • Research Management

  • Delegate Oversight

  • Investment Manager Monitoring

  • Monitoring Subadvisers

  • ESG and DEI Data Collection

Perform ODD pre or post-investment

Enhance your operational due diligence process. Dasseti COLLECT links directly to your CRM or database, automatically collecting files and scheduling emails and reminders. Monitor progress and tag communication with your managers. Add rules, flags and scoring. Collaborate with colleagues and gain deep insights into responses with real-time analytics.

De-risk the investment process

Keep investment portfolios on track by digitizing your investment due diligence process. Use Dasseti's digital platform to perform due diligence on your investment portfolio, quickly and easily. Set your own flags, scores and alerts. Compare previous responses to show only what's changed.

Rich data in a single place, easily viewed

Use custom data points to create fund or manager profiles that meet your unique requirements. View in a simple list for easy comparison and quick reference. 

Maintain visibility and oversight of delegates

Regulators are beginning to pay closer attention to the delegation of investment management functions. In Luxembourg and Ireland particularly, there is specific guidance on how managers are expected to maintain oversight of a delegate or counterparty. Dasseti COLLECT is an ideal platform for delegate oversight, facilitative initial due diligence, deep dive qualitative due diligence and ongoing due diligence.

Gain complete and continual visibility into your portfolio of managers

Regular, consistent monitoring of investment managers is essential for investors, investment consultants and other asset owners.
Dasseti COLLECT de-risks the investment process by making it easier than ever to open regular dialogue with your managers.
Managers will enjoy using Dasseti's intuitive portal to provide the information you need on a regular basis.

Ensure subadvisers meet expectations

Subadvisors bring specific expertise and track record to support an investment portfolio. Ensure you have the very latest profiles across the subadvisor landscape with Dasseti's due diligence platform.

Multi-layer Custom dashboards make it easy to see data at a glance

ESG and Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity issues are at the top of the agenda for many investors and citizens. Any data points can be collected via the Dasseti platform and displayed in custom dashboards. Dasseti has digitized the ILPA DDQ which includes diversity metrics from the PRI. Or clients can design their own questionnaires to collect the specific information they need to see.


Why is Technology so Important to OCIOs?

The OCIO market has been growing steadily over the past five years as demand for specialist services increases. OCIOs are leaning more heavily on technology to help them meet this demand. 



Institutional Investors

Streamline the data gathering and analysis process and make more informed choices

  • Icons (2) Digitized DDQ Engine
  • Icons (2) Fund and Manager Tracking
  • Icons (2) Workflow and Collaboration Tools
  • Icons (2) Review and Risk Management
  • Icons (2) Automated Scoring and Comparison
  • Icons (2) Analytics and Reporting
  • Icons (2) Research and Document Management
  • Icons (2) CRM Capabilities
Icons (3)

Dasseti COLLECT for Consultants


Dasseti is flexible and can meet the varied needs of consultants

  • Tick icon #2 Every feature in Dasseti COLLECT, plus
  • Icons (2) Dedicated Client Portal
  • Icons (2) Private Cloud Hosting
  • Icons (2) White Labelling
  • Icons (2) 24/7 Support
  • Icons (2) Advanced Custom Reporting

Our platform, your way